Monday, November 1, 2010

"We know Love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."
1st John 3:16

Love. The single most powerful thing in my life. It's very easy almost simple to take the love of God for granted. Yea yea yea God loves me ok whatever. It's the power of His Love that makes me want to live for him everyday. It's the power of His Love that makes everything in this world seem small and insignificant. It's the power of His Love that makes trials in my life something to have joy in like James talks about rather than complaining. He is the only one worth living for because his Love for me. The main purpose though is that his Love can't just be about me though it's about what He did for me. My life can't be about me....ever....He died in a public setting so I could not only live for Him publicly but also when no ones watching. He has shown us what Love is and our lives are called to reflect that Love. Love isn't a word and it can't be a word it's the way of life that we called to live.


  1. Yeah, I think that we have to constantly come back to that point: that though we deserve nothing from God, He loved us enough to take our place so we could have a relationship with God. It's nuts and amazing!
