Thursday, November 11, 2010


"Therefore putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander,"
1st Peter 2:1

When we become Christians not everything is the same. It's a huge moment in the life of a person...ya know only the biggest thing ever passing from death to life. Kinda a big deal :) . But seriously things need to change in our lives as well! Not to earn our salvation but BECAUSE of our salvation. Peter is telling us what marks a believer to the world is taking things in my life that that were in it before I was a Christian and taking them out. They no longer belong there BECAUSE of my salvation, BECAUSE of what Christ did for me and BECAUSE it's no longer me who lives but Christ who lives through me. Not only are we called to remove things but like David who had some mad Harp skills it's never bad to put disciplines in our lives that teach us self-control. Replacing the bad with the good BECAUSE of how good God is in our lives. It's Romans 12:1 living our lives as a living sacrifice. Meaning we analyze our lives like the priest's analyzed the sacrifices back in the day. Inspecting every part of my life to conform it to honor the God of the universe BECAUSE of what He did for me in spite of myself!

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