Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tempting isn't it....

"Blessed is a man who perseveres under trail; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."
James 1:12

Temptation. It's something that we all struggle with on a daily basis whether we realize it or not. It can be as simple as things we should eat or drink and as big as that thing you shouldn't be watching. Temptation itself isn't a sin that's clear as Jesus himself was tempted. It's not a sin to be tempted in this world in fact God knew it was going to happen. The battle ensues when we are tempted....what are we to do?

FOCUS on the big picture. The reward that is waiting for us is beyond belief my mind can't fathom how amazing it will be to stand in the presence of the creator of the universe and just worship Him. Temptation is hard to run away from because let's be honest....most of the time sin feels good. No one would do it if it didn't feel good and I don't know if you've noticed but apparently sin is quite popular. The problem is that the sin that "feels good" at the time will only last so long. It's a short term gain for long term pain, while resisting temptation will equal blessing and reward. No one is in heaven right now saying "man I wish I gave into that temptation". It's funny Levi Lusko, who I'm a huge fan of, went over this and equated it to beer commercials and others. When we see these commercials we see these people happy and looking great all the time. We don't see overweight men and all the other consequences that alcohol can lead to.

Thats the enemy's game cover the hook with the bait. Once you attack the bait you get the hook as well. God's desire for us is to be holy not always happy but when we resist temptation it results in both in God's time. The happiness that God has in store for those who endure temptation is beyond our greatest dreams and ideas. It's worth it to live for Christ if you believe who he says he is.

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