Saturday, October 30, 2010

It's about time

Finally I have gotton back to blogging. It's been way too long for sure but it's amazing how the enemy wants nothing more than the separation from you and His Word. It's very obvious to me as I look back over the couple of months it attacks and breaks your leg's in this epic race of Life. Let's be honest it's pretty hard to run a race with broken leg's so if he can take that away it's easy to attack a immobile enemy.
With that said I'm going to be blogging about James in the upcoming series which is what I've been studying....let me say it's pretty intense. Today, however I'm going to be looking at a simple verse in the book of Psalms.

"Know that the Lord Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture."
Psalm 100:3

God created us!! How amazing and exciting is that? Were talking about the God who created such things as the sunset the sunrise and oh yea.....everything. It's awesome and should be something that we can rejoice in on a daily basis. I recently purchased a Swiffer Sweeper mop thing and it was a very wise investment. It's handy that's for sure but the company that made it included instructions. Who read's instructions? I guess the Swiffer people forgot that I'm a man and I don't need instruction but I do forgive them. Anyway, I tried for awhile and then as disappointing as it is to admit I had to consult.....yes the instructions they accidentally put in there not knowing a man was buying this particular Swiffer. Now where am I going with this? I rarely know but this time I do, God has done the same thing the Swiffer people did.
The Lord has given us instructions to live properly and we can choose to obey them or try it our way. God created us and included the Bible as an instruction manual now the choice is our....consult....or control things and take it in to our hands.....

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