Monday, March 7, 2011


This post is a long time coming, a burden the Lord has put on my heart concerning my own life and the lives of others that make a claim to belong to the Lord. It's a fire he's put in my soul that can't be quenched and it has finally bubbled over not out of anger but of anguish for my heart. This is a flowing of words that come straight from this anguished heart...

I'm so sick and tired of mediocrity. At the moment my life is simply amazing. I have a loving church family that I would not trade for anything. Amazing friends that are the best a guy could ask for. A job that I have dreamed of having, doing something I'm truly passionate about and something I love doing. I'm so incredibly blessed that it's overwhelming. Though all of this is true this world is screaming at me and every Christian in this world to do one thing. Compromise. The world desires for believers of Christ to compromise what they believe in. To accept being lukewarm mediocre Christians by compromising things we stand for and how we live our lives. The world is asking us to give up ground piece by piece and in exchange what is it offering???In Exchange we will receive in TEMPORARY HAPPINESS. Not ever lasting happiness but rather temporary happiness. It's an epic battle that pits two warriors on a dirt terrain hacking back and fourth at each other. Every step we give up we get closer and closer to the edge of a crater we can not see because we are focused on this "temporary happiness" promised in whatever the world can hook us onto. The words of Paul scream out in the background during this battle urging us to "STAND FIRM!" as he does in Eph. 6.

I have chosen "mediocrity" as a title because I think it's the word that describe this generation of Christian soldiers, myself included. It's a word that literally brings me to my knees and makes me sick to my stomach. It defines what compromise in our walk with God leads to. It defines me in my life more often then it does not. It's a word that I have come to accept as an inevitability and I allow it to define who I am in Christ! It's this word that leads me to a place I do not belong. It's this word that convinces me to take step after step backward until I reach the point where everything around me seems to stop...because I look up and realize that compromise after compromise has left me at the very edge of the cliff in this battle! I come to the sudden realization that these small compromises have led to bigger ones and bigger ones! Now rather than standing firm for the Savior I no longer have any footing at all.....
I have chosen MEDIOCRITY.....
I have become lukewarm....
I have become the very thing I was called to stand out from........
I have become part of the world......

I am a SAINT!
None of this by MY doing but because what HE did for me!!!

I go through this life and I accept compromises in my life and I get focused on ME and what I want which leads to even more compromise!

We accept things in our lives that are not acceptable to the name the Lord has allowed us to have!

My salvation thankfully does not depend on my actions or else I'd be in more trouble then I care to dwell on but rather BECAUSE of my salvation my life it to be different than this world and as of this moment this world is filled with people like me who are accepting mediocrity in their walks with God.

I'm not talking about just messing up here and there the Disciples of the Lord messed up plenty but they also did not allow mediocrity to hold them prisoner and they changed this world!!

American Christians this message is for us!!
Mediocrity is not what my Lord has called me to!
The call in my life as a Christian is throw off the chains of mediocrity that bind us and for us to live with high fidelity in our walks!!
It's a call to get face to face with Love.
True Love that goes beyond understanding and comprehension.
This Love that we know because He laid down His life for us because his Love has the power to change us!
It's a call to be what God has called us to be!
To show with our lives what God has said we are!

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