Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Seprember 1st, 2009

The first dayof class was today! Man Pastor Randy is so wise and humble. I can't honestly believe that the lord has given me the opportunity to learn the information from him is just humbleing and exciting. Man within that couple of hours just listening to Pasotr Randy my whole preconcieved notions of what the bible had to say was thrown out the window and thats what I have to do. ALl my life has been leading up to this moment which God has given me to get a little base and now take that throw it out the window! I really am excited more than i can say for the opportunity that has been given to me at GCBI. I talked to Harry today and I'm going to be speaking at BFC this Sunday and all the Sunday nights so its exciting that God has given me a place to pour out the knowledge that I recieve in order to help the kids understand the bible which they Desperately need! So much information to take in but man can't love it more than I do right now! I want to make God happy so I have to make sure I know what he wants and I know that God wants me at GCBI and also at BFC teaching whenever given the opportunity!

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