Monday, August 31, 2009

The Bible Oh how I thought I knew Thee!

So this Blog is going to be a major summary of the past 8 days we had in one of the most memorable experiences I have ever had. we woke just about every day at 7 am to get ready drink our coffee and wake our eyes up to focus our attentions on what we should have our entire focus on whether being told to or not. The anvil that has worn out many hammers. Book after book was read and more and more questions arose and things that I once though I understood where thrown out the window Verse after Verse line after line page after page my heart sinking and rejoicing at the same time. I have wanted to be a Youth pastor since 10th grade and I honestly never though I would read the Bible all the way through and I have no doubt that most Youth Pastor, let alone Pastors have read the book all the way through. As I was very excited about the journey I was taking my heart sank for those who have made there life about a book and they don't even know whats in it. its scary how many people , much like myself, accept things on blind faith which in my opinion is slowly killing off any credibility we have as Christians. They see some of the lives that claim to follow Christ and most claim to know him but there hearts are far from him making decision and justifying what they do by the standards of a world has turned their backs and worshiped the creation rather than the creator. I wish I could sum this experience into mere words but I honestly can not without taking away the power of it that it had on me. All I was brought up with, which was not much, in knowledge of the bible has been thrown into a whirlwind and what I thought I saw was nothing more than smoke that blocked from the glorious picture of completeness. We have made one pass through and I know that I haven't gripped everything that is there to grasp but I know that the father calls me his son and I love that. I know that people have chosen a life of evil and unfullfilling passion that ends there lives in way they deserve. I can't wait for class tomorrow and exciting things are happening. I can't help but be nervous . I hope to add to my knowledge for the glory of the lord and to pour it out at BFC because God has opened a door and I will walk through it with him lighting my way to bear fruit and to teach his word. Not fitting his word into what I have to say but telling what he has to say and does so we can "surrender outlives to the truth in action to change the world around us!"

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