Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Decisions Decisions

It's amazing to go back over the birth of our Savior. It's one or those things that I think I take for granted but it's amazing how the Lord is teaching me things even before He's born. In Matthew 1:18-25 the story about the conception of Jesus is told and I really for the first time reflected on the trial that Joseph had to go through.

We all know the story of Mary becoming pregnant from the Holy Spirit. This leaves Joseph with a huge bombshell and he has to decide whether to go with what he wants, divorce her quietly, or go with what God wants, stay with her. It's a trial Joseph didn't ask for but a decision had to made...obey God or listen to himself.
We see through the story of history that Joseph listen's to God and is blessed in being the "step father" of the Messiah.
Amazing story that encourages me so much.
See it got me thinking what if Joseph had said, "No God I'd rather not." He would have lost out on all the blessings that the Lord had for Him. God desires to bless His children, He truly loves it but He also loves out obedience. See Joseph's obedience led to this amazing blessing in his life that wouldn't have been there for him.
The same can be said in our lives, perhaps not to the extreme of Joseph's but still. When we decide to do what we want as believers rather than what God has told us He want's from us, we are robbed of the blessings He desires to give us.
When faced with the truth of God's word He desires obedience and whats awesome about our God is when we walk in obedience not only do we have unmatchable joy but also God is able to put the things in our lives He wants! He truly blesses us with the things that He desires for us to have and it shapes us to who He wants us to be. Man what an awesome God we serve!

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