Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Authentic Faith in Action!

In Ch. 1 of 1st Thessalonians we have Paul speaking to the church at Thessalonica. The same place where Paul's relative Jason was dragged out of his house and threatened in Acts 17:1-10 resulting in Paul being sent away at night abruptly.
This first chapter shows Paul being thankful for those in the church as they have actually done something with their salvation. It's an amazing picture of how salvation isn't the "end of the race" so to speak and those at the church didn't view it that way at all.
The result of their salvation was an authentic faith in action!

I think Paul describes perfectly what Authentic Faith from salvation looks like in verse 3. It needs to be rooted in Christ (1:3c steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ), focused on Love,(1:3b- labor of Love) and has to influence our actions and how we live our lives.(1:3a- your work of faith).

Paul talks about the people;s work of Faith, seeing it the way God says it is not the way their eyes or the world is telling them, and they are clearly acting as if what the word of God is saying is the truth.

Paul get's specific and mentions in verse 5-9 how they have turned away from the idols they once served. They are being imitators of not only Paul, who the text talks about being a man who had proven himself by his faith to the people, but also of Christ where our faith is rooted. Their faith results in them being true examples to the nations around them by turning away from the idols they served and towards the living and true God. The nation's surrounding them could see their faith in action and they took notice of what was happening. The word of the Lord sounded fourth through these people in Thessalonica to the nations around them! They wanted the nations to meet this Living True savior because they loved Christ which meant they couldn't just keep it to themselves even if they wanted to. They desired to reach lost nations out of a love for them as well as a love for Christ.

You see the result of authentic faith in the Lord was action in their lives!In the same way as believers we are challenged to take our faith and have it affect our actions and how we handle situations in this life!

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