Monday, August 22, 2011


"As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in your behavior; because it is written, "You shall be Holy for I Am Holy" "
1st Peter 1:14-16

This for me is such a powerful verse in so many ways to me. The Lord has called His people to be Holy and that word Holy simply means distinct. The Lord desires for his followers his disciples to be DISTINCT. The Father isn't hiding anything from us. He's not making it super complex so none of us small human beings can't understand what He wants.
There is however a difference between something being obvious and something being easy isn't there? There's actually a big difference.

So let's look at this how does a person actually be Holy or distinct for God?

How do I stand out for the Lord?

I think it is much more than listing everything the world does and doing the opposite of it which seems to be the idea going around more and more from what I've seen.

Rather I think Peter answers the question of how we should be distinct in the verse above the verses I already highlighted.

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
1st Peter 1:13

Without getting overly complex and breaking down every word God's desire for us is simply to be busy doing what He's called us to do! Look at the words! Prepare, keep, fix! These are things were are called to be doing. We need to be actively doing the Lord's work and sharing his love with the people I meet.
When I am actively doing what the Lord has called me to do I am being distinct!
When I'm not choosing to be lazy and I choose to prepare my mind and keep sober in spirit and fix my hope completely on what He has done for me I will not be able to look like everything around me! It will be impossibly not to stick out!
When we are actually living as the church that's when people will take notice. When we actually are the body and are meeting needs for people rather than meeting the needs of ourselves we are distinct.

When we are so overwhelmed by the Love that God has lavished on us that our perspectives change from what can I do for Me Me Me to what can I do for You You You Lord that's when the church and it's body will be distinct.

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