Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Consume my soul with a longing for your laws.

18 Open my eyes that I may see
wonderful things in your law.
19 I am a stranger on earth;
do not hide your commands from me.
20 My soul is consumed with longing
for your laws at all times.

Psalm 119:18-20

Isn't it funny to read verse 20? I mean Francis Chan pointed this out and it's so true in the lives of most of us as Christians. I don't treat his laws as something I long for, who longs for rules? In America we long for freedom we don't long for anyone to tell us what to do. It's funny because the way most Christians, I included, look at Christ is that he's an anchor we are carrying around. He keeps us from doing things that we want. He's keeping us down.

What is wrong with us?

This is the Lord who saved us from ourselves and whose love were told in Ephesians 3:19 surpasses my greatest ideas or thoughts or imagination.
He sent his Son to die for us which gives us a small picture into how much love we have in the Father but not even that completely encompasses his love for us!
The idea that John 15:9 says he loves me as much as He loves His Son is mind blowing to me and scripture says even at the amount He loves us more.
What an amazing love we have in the Father in which these rules that we are called to long for, we really reject and treat as if it's some kind of burden. His rules are their because He knows what is best for his children.
When we look at his commandments and live by them we can see, hey that actually works out for the better of me!

Help this be my prayer Lord.
Help me look at situations with your perspective.
Help me not treat you like an anchor but rather the amazing redeemer that you are that I can run to saying I want you more than anything else this world has to offer because I've seen your love and it's better than anything this world has to offer.

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