Friday, March 19, 2010

My Father, My Shepherd

I'm going to be honest I don't always think before I talk. When I think about it I can say some just dumb things that don't make any sense and Doug and Elijah make sure I know when I do by laughing and joking with me about it. The thing is we all could profit from thinking before we talk. The same can go for when we talk to our Father. Not only should we be careful in the way we come to the father but the very words we come to him with as well. Ecclesiastes 5:2- "Do not be hasty in word or impulsive in thought to bring up a matter in the presence of God. For God is in heaven and you are on earth; therefore let your words be few." When I talk to my father sometimes I just want him to fix whatever is broken in my life so my comfort will be restored. We are selfish by nature thats true but when we look in the scripture at people's prayers what always sticks out to me is how they pray. I personally love when a man of God falls on his face and cries out to the Lord. My relationship with my Father is the single most important thing on this planet and communicating with him is a huge part of it. Some times I need to realize who I'm talking to. The creator of everything who is telling a story and I'm not the main role. He doesn't need me but he chooses to use me and I can honestly say I don't know why. I do know it's not anything of myself but the God of the universe can choose to use me. Thats scary and exciting to me. In one aspect not only do I need to be making sure my walk with God is carefully in check and on the other hand is that I'm doing?? Thats my responsibility and my hearts deepest desire IS to walk unblemished. My desire is to be a Psalm 15 guy who is constantly watching my walk, putting my energy to good work,checking my, being sure that the people I hang out with are those who fear and honor the Lord, making my commitment to to him and only him everyday, and keeping my priorities what he wants them to be.

Father these things aren't easy these things aren't what the world is telling me to do nor even my heart all the time. I'm a man God, you breathed life into Adam and I was aloud to have life because you said I could.I don't feel worthy to do the things you have put in my life to do because who am I? Psalm 19 says that heavens declare the glory of YOU and the skies proclaim the works of YOUR hands and you choose to use me to speak into lives of other people? Father my prayer is simple "Speak Lord for your servant is listening". I can only hear you adequately when I'm listening and not talking and sometimes I just don't do that.

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