Saturday, March 20, 2010

Can you hear

Habakkuk 1:1-2, and (5-6) "The oracle which Habakkuk the prophet saw. How long, O Lord, will I call for your help and You will not hear? I Cry out to You in "Violence!" Yet you do not save.
(5-6)"Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days - You would not believe if you were told. For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans, That fierce and impetuous people Who march throughout the earth to seize dwelling places which are not theirs."

"Can you hear me now? Good." It's funny to think about how a completely easy commercial caught on so rapidly and from such a simple question that most would ask when their phone call was dropped. We all asked the question as the voice was going in and out as connection was bad "can you hear me? can you?". Funnier still to me is when we see this, how the same question and situation happens to us as believer with God. "Can you hear us? Are you even listening?". A common question but can he hear us? David sure seemed to think so with the writing of the psalms and through the interactions of Jonah praying to the Lord in ch. 2 he commanded the whale to spit Jonah out on the shore. Many even Christians have said Jonah is probably a fairy tale but in Matthew 12:40 Jesus sure believes in Jonah so if I'm going to take anyones word for it I'll take his haha! In Habakkuk 1:1-4 We see Habakkuk crying out to the Lord about the "injustice" going on and he makes a couple of questions known to God.
We look into Verse 2 and Habakkuk is asking God the same question the Verizon guy is asking on the commercial. Can you hear me? Habakkuk is asking God why he is not listening or why it seems like he's not listening to him. He's crying out that the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob has turned his ear piece off and his reasoning is in the second part of two. " I cry out to You, "Violence!" Yet you do not save.". Habakkuk is at the point where he's saying your not listening because I can't see your response and everything is staying the same. We all feel like this sometimes one way or another. "God are you there? I just don't see you in my life and all these things are going on and when I need you the most God you just don't seem to be here!" I've been there guys I have and its painful and its something no doubt all of us will go through and Habakkuk is feeling it here. God is not going to leave Habakkuk here though because when we truly know God and have a relationship we can ask him concerning our trails and he will answer us.
God gets to respond to Habakkuk in verse 5. In 5 he tells Habakkuk He does in fact have a plan he is listening and is doing something about it. In fact he tells Habakkuk he wouldn't believe what he was doing even if God told him! God's plans aren't always clear in our lives and sometimes we don't understand why things happen in our lives. Its easy to get frustrated with God when it seems a day is all going wrong and things seem to fall apart but remember verse 5 should comfort us. He is doing something in our days! God is listening to us but at the same time we have realize he is working his plan guys. Hardships are going to happen in our lives, its part of life, what we do with those hardships though matters. He is listening and he knows whats going on guys! My god is bigger than my problems but we have to trust him. I don't know why certain things happen I honestly can't always give an answer. I think of Job who God was actually bragging on to Satan and because of nothing Job did everything was taken from him. Job did right and got wrong and we don't like that but when we say Lord my life is yours and surrender it to him he has the right to use it any way he wants! Job's life was used to speak into his friends lives who didn't have a complete view of God and through all his hardship his life was used. Thats not an easy thing to swallow but thats what I signed up for as a Christian and its easy in my life as I see God's hand blessing me abundantly to say that. I can say confident;y that no hardship you go through is useless and just because we don't think God is listening doesn't mean he isn't So I pray whole heartedly that when we are going through things that don't make sense to us and it seems that God isn't listening to our prayers that we make sure we are right with him and then trust his plan for our lives. He's working a plan and we get to be used and be apart of it guys and we don't always get the best parts but when we are walking with him we can trust that his grace is sufficient and his hand is on my life whether it looks like it or not.

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