Friday, October 28, 2011


"She does him good not evil
All the days of her life"
Proverbs 31:12

I love the thought behind this verse not only for the wife but for the husband too. It's this idea that her life is no longer about what's best for her but what's best for them. Sometimes it's a good thing in the husband's eyes sometimes he's not a fan of it but her job is to do what's best for him. It's not just something she does once and while either but rather it's something that she is going to do all of her life. She is going to make it her goal to make sure that she is make decisions that are best for him. Life is no longer about just her or just him but rather about them.

In the same way we as men are called to be Christ for the wife. We literally give up things in our life to show what love is. The job that is placed in front of the husband is to make love more than a word to the wife just as Jesus did for the church. In order to that we as Christian men have to daily die to the selfishness we have in us. Christ was our example with His father and you can especially hear it when He is in the Garden of Gethsemane crying out to his Father to take this cup from Him but ONLY if it's His will. Jesus sacrificed His will for the will of His Father and husbands are called to do the same in many areas of our lives.

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