Sunday, November 8, 2009


Lord my simple prayer is this: that I desire and want what You say I need and not what I think I need. Because I no longer live for myself but with a surrendered heart knowing that I serve and cling to and grow in a relationship with the Lord who spoke life into existence.

Going through my small life I look back on all the things that I have excused in my life and I am incredibly humbled. I have always justified my life by what the world is like. I felt like i was doing well when I wasn't I and felt secure when I shouldn't have. In Genesis 1:14 through 19 is where God creates the Sun and the moon. What an analogy to place in the first chapter of the inspired word of the Lord! We look at that and we have become so desensitized to what power and awe we should be in when we come to even pray before the Lord or say his name! The God who spoke into existence these things we study and try to explain with years and years of study when God shouts in the first chapter of his word "It was me!". When we look at the moon we should see ourselves and the Sun is Christ. The moon in it of itself does not have light but rather reflects the light from the Sun. In such we should be reflectors of the light of our father Jesus Christ. The problem I and I'm sure most face is clearly addressed when we look in the mirror and that problem is ourselves. We want what we don't need and we desire the things we know we shouldn't desire. We are in our way. When we step out that's when the Lord can step in and use us. I'm slowly learning what it takes to be a man of God and my heart is to strive everyday to grow in my relationship with the Creator of the universe, the answer to the questions and the period at the end of the statement.

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