Saturday, December 17, 2011

James 1:17

"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."
James 1:17

The first chapter of James is by far my favorite chapter of scripture. James is all about the idea that the true power of scripture comes not just from hearing the word but putting it into practice and letting it effect every aspect of our lives. It has to define who we are.

Before this specific verse James was talking about temptation and the downfall giving in to it leads to. James tells us that the Lord isn't the one who tempts us but rather He, our Father, give's us every good thing we have. James then goes on to talk about the character of the God we serve, "With whom there is no variation or shifting shadow". James is saying, with God, you know what you are getting and it doesn't shift to something else when you get into it like temptation does. Temptation lures you in promising one thing but never having the ability to deliver on it while God's very character is based on the fact that He never fails to deliver on His promises or His word.

The mark of a Christian needs to be that they relay on the character of God especially during times of temptation and trials. That's the very definition of faith! It's not just a word but rather the very way we live our lives. By faith not by sight.

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