Wednesday, May 5, 2010


"Draw Near to God and He will draw near to you...."
James 4:8

God is longing for us to make a move toward him. God desires a relationship with us so much that he sent his only Son to die for us. He turned his face away from his Son on the cross. We as Christians may loose everything we have but we won't have that. He made the first move! He sent his son! What is our move? If we say we "believe" what does that look like? Is it not surrender of our entire life to the God who sent his Son to die for us? Do I call you Lord Lord but not do what you say (Luke 6:46)? Do we honor you with our lips but our hearts are far from you(Mttw 15:8)? What moves in our lives are we making?
The balls in our court the move is our's. Not moving is making a move (Mttw 12:30).
It's time for Movement.

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