Friday, April 9, 2010

Desire to Feel

" So the Spirit lifted me up and took me away; and I went embittered in the rage of my spirit, and the hand of the Lord was strong on me."
Ezekiel 2:14

This part of scripture is during Ezekiel's call. God showed up and met with Ezekiel right when he was supposed to be getting to do his priestly duties but he was carted off in the exile at 25ish. God shows up in an amazing way to Ezekiel thats blows me away and commissions him to tell his word to the exiles. He sees all these things and God says to tell them what ever he tell's Ezekiel. He's leaving the presence of God and this verse is what is said of Ezekiel as he's leaving. The first time I read this I had a hard time with it and wondered what was going on. He was "embittered in the rage of his spirit"? What does that mean? It can't be good right? What it's telling us though is that Ezekiel felt the way God felt about the situation regarding the House of Israel. God had Ezekiel feeling the way he felt........
I want that.....I need that......I desire to feel how God feels about things in my life and in my walk with him. I want my heart to break and cry out at the things that break his heart and I want to rejoice and be overjoyed at the things that put a smile on his face. I'm at the point in my life where doors are being opened to me and I don't know which ones to go through but it is getting clearer and clearer the more I walk. This is something that struck me and just put me into a place where I fell down before God and had to have a gut check. Is this what I want? If so what am I doing so I can have it? Is it a priority in my life to feel the way he feels? Not only does it need to be but I long for it to be.